Tuesday, February 10, 2015

I'm all finished with my dental implant from Dr. Nimesh Patel at Dental 2000 in Laguna Niguel and Irvine

February 10, 2015.

And the verdict is... (drum roll)

I HATE IT.  My gum line is destroyed for the rest of my life, on my front tooth.  I will be embarrassed to smile (and unfortunately, I have a big wide open smile).  I asked a lady that works in the office, "How often does this happen?", and she said, "All the time."

So, contrary to the pretty pictures of dental implants they show you on your first visit, you're likely to end up with a smile like I now have.

Throughout the entire procedure, Dr. Patel only saw me on my first visit (the sales pitch), the day of the surgery, and he glanced in my mouth for less than 2 seconds at a follow-up visit.  Everything else was handled by his office staff, who never told me what was going on.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Four months later and the verdict is almost in - I HATE IT

It's January 25, 2015.  Back in December, I repeatedly tried to contact the office (phone calls and emails).  I finally got a call back around January 10, and the young lady said, "Oh, we were closed the last two weeks of December, and then I was gone the first week of January, so I'm just now getting caught up."

So this Professional Office, Dental 2000, doesn't do business for a three week period?

Last Friday, I went in to the office to get my implant set for a crown.  A lady dentist came in and shot my mouth full of Novocaine.  At no point did she explain why she was putting more needles in my mouth, and at no point did she tell me what she was doing in there.  She pulled my temporary cap off and augured in the space in my mouth for 45 minutes to an hour - pushing and prodding - I don't know what she was doing.

When she was done, another lady (I assume she was a dental hygienist - but I don't know - they didn't tell me) poked and prodded drilled and drilled some more and stabbed me with something sharp for another 45 minutes making a new temporary.  Days later, my tooth and gums are still sore and tender from all of this unexplained torture.

But here's the horrible part.  The last lady told me that my gum line is permanently destroyed.  That the gum line will always be high over that tooth.  She said they can make a crown with a fake pink gum line built into it, but that those crowns don't look good.

So, it seems that Dr. Patel's inattentiveness while he was doing oral surgery in my mouth had the final effect of a destroyed gum line.  It was very disturbing that while he was doing surgery in my mouth, he was micro-managing his office, looking at other patients x-rays, training a new assistant, talking to his office staff about other files and discussing lab work.

This is my front tooth.  I used to have a nice smile (the top teeth were perfect) and now I have a lop-sided gum line.

I go back in a week for the crown, and will post a new photo when it's all done.  Here's a photo of the 2nd temporary they made for me.  At least this one isn't all black at the top.  I had to walk around for 4 months with a black tooth, and it was embarrassing and I didn't want to smile.

At my 2nd checkup after the surgery (Dr. Patel wasn't there) I asked the lady dentist about the gum line, and she just poo-poo'd it and said that the crown hadn't been put in yet.

The gum line over one of my middle teeth has been messed up as well, and that's from the stitches he put in during the surgery.