Tuesday, February 10, 2015

I'm all finished with my dental implant from Dr. Nimesh Patel at Dental 2000 in Laguna Niguel and Irvine

February 10, 2015.

And the verdict is... (drum roll)

I HATE IT.  My gum line is destroyed for the rest of my life, on my front tooth.  I will be embarrassed to smile (and unfortunately, I have a big wide open smile).  I asked a lady that works in the office, "How often does this happen?", and she said, "All the time."

So, contrary to the pretty pictures of dental implants they show you on your first visit, you're likely to end up with a smile like I now have.

Throughout the entire procedure, Dr. Patel only saw me on my first visit (the sales pitch), the day of the surgery, and he glanced in my mouth for less than 2 seconds at a follow-up visit.  Everything else was handled by his office staff, who never told me what was going on.